Dangers of Firefighting

Dangers of Firefighting

Being a firefighter is not an easy job. Firefighters often face risks, work irregular hours, and must respond to calls regardless of the weather. The exact working conditions faced by a firefighter vary; municipal firefighters have different situations than wildland firefighters, for instance. However, regardless of the size of the department or the nature of the fire, all firefighters share some common working conditions.


Firefighters face many dangers in the performance of their duties. The risks begin when a firefighter must respond to an emergency situation. In cities, firefighters board a fire truck and race through the streets. Brutal weather, negligent pedestrians, and careless drivers pose risks. Smoke-jumpers, who parachute from planes to fight fires in forests and other inaccessible areas, are at risk when they jump. In urban environments, fire-enveloped structures can collapse, trapping the firefighters, and in rural settings, a wildfire can suddenly change direction or encircle the firefighters.


The work hours for firefighters can be irregular and the work week lengthy. Most firefighters could work approximately 50 hours per week. The majority work for 24 straight hours, then receives 48 or 72 hours off duty. In some departments, firefighters work three or four days for 10 hours on the day shift, then work for 14 hours on the night shift for three to four days. In an emergency, however, firefighters must work overtime.

Absence From Home

Municipal firefighters typically spend their duty hours at the fire station. When not responding to a call or in training, the fire station is their home away from home. They eat and sleep there; they might not see their families at all during the day and night hours they are on duty. For those battling forest fires, the absences can be even longer.

Physical Stress

Firefighters must be in excellent physical condition whether they work in an urban environment or a remote wilderness area. The personal protective gear they must wear is heavy. They must be able to carry the hoses and other gear they need to do their jobs as well. Firefighters are often called upon to rescue victims trapped in burning structures who might be unconscious or injured. Firefighters might be able to climb stairs, dragging their hoses with them. They might also have to work in cramped or uncomfortable quarters. They must be able to run, crouch, kneel, jump, and bend.

Mental Stress

Firefighters routinely face unpleasant and potentially dangerous situations. In addition to combating fires, they might be dispatched to the scene of an automobile accident or sent in response to a medical emergency. Incidents such as an accident with multiple fatalities; the death or injury of a team member; a natural disaster; and the daily stresses of dealing with potentially life-and-death situations can all take a toll on a firefighter’s emotional well-being. As part of their jobs, firefighters often must provide what comfort they can to families who have lost all of their possessions in a fire or who are distraught over an ill or injured relative.

Invuyani Safety was founded in 2003 and has established itself as a leading supplier of quality products and quality services. We supply fire protective clothing and fire fighting equipment like hoses and portable fire pumps to the fire industry. Though we probably couldn’t prevent all the disadvantages associated with firefighting, Invuyani Safety can significantly minimise the physical dangers accompanied by the job description. Our  range of  personal protection products includes hand protection i.e. barrier creams and hand cleaner And for people that work at heights we supply a range of fall arrest equipment

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